General E-Mail April 18 – May 16

G’day mates!

This is usually an area where most missionaries don’t want to be because it’s away from everyone. You don’t get to see any other missionaries and you don’t get to go to the temple! So sad! But you know, those things are great but I don’t mind because there’s a reason why I am here. 🙂
The area I’m in up north is Gladstone. It reminds me A LOT of Brassall which was my first area on the mission! This area also reminds me a lot of where I lived in Virginia a few years back in good ol’ Buena Vista. The houses are separated, lots of hills and it’s very quiet, mostly because everyone is sleeping during the day, and at night the people here are working. The area I’m in is a mining area so people come and go according to their contract.
Also, I’m now in a branch rather than a ward! Crazy right? We meet in a building rather than a nice looking chapel! It still looks great inside! Just like a chapel looks like! AND there’s Americans in the ward! Woohoo! Coming from New Zealanders in Pimpama, I’m now coming to Australians and Americans!
On Friday was able to have the opportunity to hear from one of the 12 apostles, Elder Neil L. Anderson. It was wonderful! He talked about the merits, grace, and mercy. He also mentioned that baptisms, investigators are great on the mission, but most important on your mission is YOU and YOUR life after the mission. It’s important to continue to do the work you do on your mission even after your mission. This includes praying daily, reading scriptures and helping out with the members and ward missionaries. I have a firm testimony about this. I have seen many people who return from missions that stop saying their prayers, stop their daily scriptures and many more things. And you can see that the spirit is not in tune with them as much as it had been on their mission. This is why it’s important to always continue to do those daily things you did as a missionary after your mission because not only will you receive blessings, but you will continue to have the spirit in your life.
After the conference guess what I got to do? Drive 6 hours long from Brisbane to Gladstone! Wow what a long drive it was! But it was good because I got to know more about my new companion!
My new companion is Sister Galang, she is 22 years old, from the Philippines and she has been out for 4 months!
Did you know that I now only have 7 more months left? CRAZY ISN’T IT? They weren’t kidding that after you pass 6 months it just zooms right by! I’m truly grateful the work I have been doing so far and seeing the beautiful change in others but also myself. Of course not personality wise, but spiritually wise.
Because I’m up north, the mission office only sends mail up once in the transfer to northern missionaries. So I wouldn’t be able to receive mail for a long time so instead if any of you would like to send me a letter for the next 5 weeks (and probably even longer!) Here is my new address!
Sister Alina Grawrock
6/23 Roberts St.
Gladstone, QLD 4680
Hope you all are doing well! And enjoying the summer days coming closer! Winter is here and it’s still pretty warm!
Sister Grawrock
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  1. Steven Lucas

     /  May 16, 2016

    Greetings from Brassall Ward, wow Gladstone that far. But i worked up and down the coast. Brisbane to Carins . I know Gladstone well. Sister G you with other Filipino you love the sisters been Filipino. Safe travel



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